Doodles In The Rough

Former illustrator and designer out of the loop for a couple of years to start a family jumps back into the swing of things by posting rough drawings for Illustration Friday's challenges

Friday, March 30, 2007

IF: "Snap"

This is another quick sketch and it has a story to go along with it.
You see, we've been having our bathroom remodeled and it is a bit of a nightmare trying to get them to finish the job. I have been complaining about it at work and about how they are driving to the point that one of these days I am just going to "snap" and go postal. So when the illustration Friday topic came up, my co-worker Tammy suggested that I do a self portrait depicting that. So here it is. Me snaping and going postal with my husband's paintball gun (because I'm not a fan of real guns) and growling at the contractors....

"Finish my bathroom or your pretty white truck is gonna get it!! And I might put a few whelps on you to boot!"

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

IF: I Spy

Eye Spy Evidence of a Cover Up

Another quickie. No time to really work on these any more.. not with such unusual topics. But my first thought in reading the topic was MIKE! of course you know what Mike I mean. The one from Disney/Pixar's Monsters Inc.. Of course done from my memory and therefore with lots of differences and so not copywrite infringement.