Doodles In The Rough

Former illustrator and designer out of the loop for a couple of years to start a family jumps back into the swing of things by posting rough drawings for Illustration Friday's challenges

Monday, February 22, 2010


   /ˈprɒpəˌgeɪt/ Show Spelled [prop-uh-geyt] Show IPA verb,-gat·ed, -gat·ing.
–verb (used with object)
to cause (an organism) to multiply by any process of natural reproduction from the parent stock.
to reproduce (itself, its kind, etc.), as an organism does.
to transmit (hereditary features or elements) to, or through, offspring.

First off, I think it is sad that I actually had to look up this word to make sure I knew it's true meaning.. or at least know it enough to make sure my illustration fit it. It's just not a word you hear very often anymore. Or at least I don't.

Anyway, when I did read the word in question my immediate thought was that credit card commercial where the dad is buying his daughter a bunny but while waiting on the credit card to go through the rabbits multiply so rapidly that there are bunnies everywhere! See here for the only link to the commercial I could find:

Then I kind of felt sympathy for all the mama bunnies out there. So that is what brought about this sketch.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Finally getting around to posting this. My work has become rough and rushed since having my daughter. I feel intimidated by the other things I see posted to IF. However I'm trying to look at it in a positive light. 1. I'm actually drawing for the fun of it again. 2. Perhaps the roughness will work its way into a new style for me. Who knows. Positive thinking it can do wonders.

Anyway -Here is my submission for the word "Adrift".
It was the first thing to come to mind with the talk of the Polar Icecaps melting. Though I'm not sure penguins live up there. As you can see it was drawn on a post-it from my husband's office. The last two were drawn on the back of my grocery lists. I'm thinking of changing the name of this blog to "Random Scraps of Paper"

Saturday, February 06, 2010


Drawing a memory this time with a few extra details. A while back, back when it was actually warm enough to go outside, I was trying to call my sister to wish her a happy birthday. The thing about one year-olds is if they see you on the phone they suddenly want your attention. So I took her outside so that she could find something else to entertain her. That something else turned out to be an old flower pot filled with mud from a flower that had died long ago. While I chatted with my sister, she spent the whole time scooping mud and dumping it on herself and the dog. Both had a blast. We of course had bathtime and paw cleaning right after that phone call but it was mighty fun to watch.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

back again. It's been over a year I believe since I last posted anything here. Having a little one sucked all my time away, but I've decided I need to exercise my brain and my drawing hand so I'm going to attempt getting back to quick sketching for illustration Friday again. I can't do any finished pieces anymore due to not having any time to do them in. A toddler is taking all my energy and working at night after she is in bed is taking my most of my time. To see how nice and neat my illustrations use to be look back at the past ones.

My drawings will likely be on whatever scrap of paper I can find at the moment and whatever media I can find to draw with during the day. But it's getting back in the game. And that's what I need. I am promising myself not to be intimidated by other people's awesome work this time. I will not worry if no one gets it but me. I will not worry if it fits the word will be whatever first comes to mind when I read the word. I will as they say "just do it".

So without further adu:
or as I like to call it "When a good eye goes bad"