Doodles In The Rough

Former illustrator and designer out of the loop for a couple of years to start a family jumps back into the swing of things by posting rough drawings for Illustration Friday's challenges

Tuesday, March 02, 2010


So for IF's "Perspective" assignment I thought I'd share with my almost non-existant readers a game that I play with my daughter. She is 1 1/2 and has just discovered the joys of drawing. It can get somewhat tedious to have every scrap of paper in your house scribbled on, and have any writing utensil you have in your hand cried for. However, we've found a compromise and a game. I let her scribble for a bit with whatever I have in my hand, and then when she lays it down I pick it up and trace what I see in her picture. She seems to enjoy it. After the first time she started handing me the crayon rather than laying it down to do something else. And I think I've ended up with some fun little drawings from it. It's turned into a great creative exercise.. which is something I was really needing.

I think this fits with perspective because she is probably drawing something else or perhaps just enjoying the feeling of making lines.. but my perspective of those lines is completely different.

Here is one of our finished products and a couple of more below that. I call this one Mother Goose

Then there are rabbit and bird - these were our first two and it did not occur to me to scan in her original scribble til later.


Blogger Anastasia said...

That is such a cool idea. I teach elementary art and I get frustrated with my students way of dealing with mistakes - a big X drawn over the offending mark. I've tried to teach them to use their imaginations to turn mistakes into a part of the image. Your daughter is learning this skill from you - awesome!

8:18 PM  
Blogger FarmWife said...

That is so cool & I'm sure she'll love to see what she & Mama created together when she was tiny. I wish I had an ounce of drawing ability!

7:48 AM  

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