Former illustrator and designer out of the loop for a couple of years to start a family jumps back into the swing of things by posting rough drawings for Illustration Friday's challenges
Friday, December 29, 2006
This is an old one, from when I went through a really difficult ending of a relationship and after a long while finally felt a bit of a connection with a Pheonix rising from the ashes
I've been absent from IF for a while due to the holidays being so busy. I hope to be back on a weekly basis after the first of the year. It really is excellent exercise.
Former illustrator and designer out of the loop for a couple of years to start a family jumps back into the swing of things by posting rough drawings for Illustration Friday's challenges
I am not a domestic goddess. I somehow missed those days in girly school. After nearly 10 years of being a wife and 3 of being a mom, I am still struggling with domestic abilities. I'm a stay-at-home mom and work-at-home graphic designer and I am fascinated with both because both can be terribly weird.