Doodles In The Rough

Former illustrator and designer out of the loop for a couple of years to start a family jumps back into the swing of things by posting rough drawings for Illustration Friday's challenges

Friday, September 29, 2006


*whisper* today's Illustrate Friday topic is "quiet", and so you better be because the librarian is looking this way */whisper*

The pig librarian character is from a story I worked on long ago called "It Started With A Thump" kind of an onomatopoeia teaching tool - where a librarian trying to make sure her patrons stay quiet in the library ends up accidently making more noise than anyone else.

Friday, September 22, 2006


Little Miss Muffet was Arachnophobic
(That's what we call it today)
So when that spider
sat down beside her
she decided to runaway

I've never had any problems with spiders myself, but a lot of my friends do.
Personally, I'm acrophobic, slightly clausterphobic and Ferrisphobic (fear of Ferris Wheels)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Quick sketch of a quick change being handled by the bridal party.

Friday, September 08, 2006


Been away a couple of Fridays, nice to get back in the swing of things.

This was done for a friend who lives on a farm and lovingly refers to it as her "funny farm"
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